Thursday, February 27, 2020

Discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of studying for a Essay - 2

Discuss some of the benefits and drawbacks of studying for a university degree, Which appear to be more persuasive Refer to the text and other sources - Essay Example Not only does a degree from a university improve a person’s career prospects but it also helps him socially. His societal status improves and he is respected more. Saying that, however, does not mean that attaining a university degree is a sure shot at landing at your dream job. It is very commonly seen that graduates are jobless or working at a lowly position which is not what they had in mind when pursuing their degree. The value of a university degree should not be gauged monetarily only although that is what most people do and high paying jobs are why people pursue a degree. A university degree gives other possible benefits as well that will be detailed in the rest of this paper. Nevertheless, a degree is never a waste of investment and even if a person does not end up getting a job right away he will find that later on, when he has some experience in lowly jobs, his degree is what will set him out from non-graduates and help him get a good job. I am a single mother of four, having lost my husband a year back. I have a background in nursing and 15 years of experience in the same field. Now I have decided to move into Public Health. I am currently enrolled in the program and also working a part time job side by side. The reason I decided to pursue this degree is that I have a passion for academics and I believe that it will help me a lot in climbing up my career ladder. Yes, it is a pretty hard task managing studies, work and a family and yes, it is extremely difficult to give equal time to all, not to mention it becomes very tiring and stressful too. But then, if you want to achieve something you have to sacrifice and work hard for it. I have also planned to complete my university training as that will be counted a lot. Training and experience is always a bonus in professional life. I believe that once I have this degree I can apply for a better position and be able to earn and support my family better. Even if the results

Monday, February 10, 2020

Sustainable energy in norway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sustainable energy in norway - Essay Example Renewable energy forms the basis of sustainable energy which is only trying to meet the energy requirements of the present generation without affecting how future generations will get their energy. In order to embrace sustainable energy, countries should move away from fossil fuels and start developing renewable energy sources. Norway is one country that has been pushing for setting up of renewable energy centers worldwide. Among the renewable energy sources, hydropower contributes the largest percentage of energy. Hydroelectric power provides approximately one- fifth of the total energy consumed in the world (Gonzalez, Aygun & Weidmann, 1). Hydropower will play a crucial role in the sustainable energy development. Norway produces approximately 99% of its electricity from hydropower. This is aided by the abundance of water reservoirs in the country. Norway is endowed with many rivers and the geographical shape of the state favors the production of hydroelectric power. Norway is considered the sixth largest hydroelectric power producer in the world (Gonzalez, 12). Norway is concerned with developing efficient and friendlier ways of harnessing hydroelectric power. . The generational plants are owned by government, local authorities and the private sector. In dry spells the production of hydropower goes down and during rain seasons, Norway is able to export energy produced to other countries. Norway expor ts power to different countries among them Russia, Finland and Sweden. According to Gonzalez et al (2011), renewable energy contributed approximately 13% of the total energy consumed in 2008. Hydropower had a significant contribution. Wind and solar offered a minimal contribution to the total energy supplied. This shows that renewable energy contributed a tiny percentage to the total energy consumed in the world (Gonzalez et al, 4). In the subsequent years, the development of these sources has led to the increase in the percentage of energy